Franky Bartol, aka François Bartolino, has so far released 3 issues of BIJOU MAGAZINE.
A quite discreet figure in the world of comic-books, Franky firstly featured French weekly
zine Chez Jérôme Comix in the early 2000s, then made a few guest appearances on
a somewhat eerie collective blog a few years later.He has since proved one of the most unobtrusive authors at French indie comics publisher
MISMA editions : in spite of several short stories featured in Dopututto Max magazine (one of
which even made the front cover), a full comics, and even an animated teaser, no-one can
actually say that they have ever met him in person.The circumstances which nonetheless led Franky Bartol to direct two noticeable
promo shorts for [adult swim] in 2016 and 2017 still remain obscure.